Dangerous side quests: A Green Knight

I had a bit of a slow start to the new year but things are finally picking up pace! I got to work on this Knight by Heresy Lab minis which my wife had bought me for Christmas. My original intent was not to go as far as I did building a scenic base for…

Dangerous side quests: Something about clay

It’s been a little while since I posted anything, truth is I’ve been very busy, very distracted. You see I got my hands on some polymer clay (“Fimo” is the name of the particular brand in this case), and decided I would learn how to sculpt things, just for fun. And now I am obsessed!…

Dangerous side quests: Necronomicon X Mortis

I had an idea, many moons ago, that I’d like to build a diorama in homage to one of my favourite characters, and film trilogies of all time: The Evil Dead. Inspiration struck when my wife provided me with a cardboard box in the shape of a book… the ideal shape and size for a…

Dangerous sidequests: The Harvest Saint

A quick update on a recent Halloween inspired build I did. I had slightly incomplete, slightly broken “wraith” from Black Crow Miniatures in one of my many junk boxes for a while. Took it upon myself to rescue him and make something cool. He was missing his legs; which I didn’t mind as he looks…

Dangerous side quests: Chaos Undivided!

One less thing to distract me from my Nighthaunt army; one less excuse to not get things done! This has been a little passion project of mine for a while now; getting all of my metal chaos minis painted and based. It took a few months but I finally finished. I absolutely love metal chaos…

Dangerous side quests: The Chapel Perilous

My latest bit of folk-horror inspired terrain leans heavily on Authurian mythology and the concept of the “Chapel Perilous” as a place of significance and power: the end of of a journey; the fulfilment of obligation, a place of revelation , or even of destruction. Build-wise this was actually pretty quick, simple and intuitive. I…

Dangerous side quests: keeping it in the family

A while back I was lucky enough to get on board and back a kickstarter by Andy over at Meridian Miniatures which was creating a set of lovely minis based of some of the excellent grimdark artwork of Blackcrabart. The minis arrived a couple of weeks ago and they are absolute beauties! They have a…

Dangerous side quests: A chainsaw maniac

I had this guy sat in a box for a long while, one of those models that I felt to intimidated too paint on account of how damn cool he is. Anyway I decided to paint him as an entry for the @eavier.metalfb #eadbanger2021 painting comp. Had a lot of fun working on a larger…

The Rites of Summer

The Rites of Summer have begun! This new supplement for The Weald is now available to download for free! With #folkhorror inspired cover art by @admacritchie and filled with illustrations and maps courtesy of @devourthekaiju, this supplement is a mini narrative campaign for #weald28 Follow the story as a band of Wardens stumble into an…

I’m alive! These guys… not so much.

For some reason it feels like a while since my last post. I was away to England over the weekend to visit family so maybe that is why. Also had less hobby time than usual. But progress is progress, however small. I have three more Chainrasps finished off! I’m very happy again with the paint…